Collection: Handmade Gift Tags

I tested out a small collection of handmade gift tags at a Christmas Market.  I made several styles and colours to make gift giving more fun and personalized. These tags were sturdy enough to keep and could be reused for a few years too. Pretty and eco-friendly!

Going forward, there will be a variety of themes including birthday, wedding, and Christmas and more. I have added some sample photos to the menu to give you an idea of what kinds of tags are possible. 

I am currently working on some birrhday and general gift giving stock, but if you need something before I have completed my everyday inventory, please reach out to me using the contact button and we can chat about next steps.  I would love to help make your gift giving more special!  

Don’t forget, for those in the Trenton, Ontario are, there will be tags available at Ma’s Pantry I downtown Trenton: 38 Dundas Street West.  PS you can pick up a bakery treat while you are there.  YUM!